2023年10月3日 | Stella Tirone
Laplante建设 proves there's no downside to downsizing.
There is something to be said for downsizing, and Laplante建设 knows all about it––think compact and convenient spaces fitted with all the luxuries of a larger home.
“We're doing a lot of construction now for empty nesters who are looking to sell their large, 两层的房子,缩小到一层,比尔·拉普兰特说, the custom home building company’s President since 2003. This gives clients the opportunity to put space into rooms that they actually use like kitchens, dinettes, family rooms and primary suites. “We spend a lot of time digging in and finding out how the client is going to live in their home, 这样我们就可以根据他们的生活方式进行设计,拉普兰特说.
(摄影:Greg Bernier)
Nearly 70% of Laplante’s new construction has become executive ranch-style homes that––yes, 你猜对了,是裁员, but they have open concept floor plans and feature steam showers, 定制橱柜和宜居地下室.
The popularity of one-story living isn't confined to empty-nesters. “Young families are also recognizing the convenience and utility of single-level homes,拉普兰特说. “Many people are feeling less pressure to overbuild with more space than they actually need.” While reducing excess space––and utility costs––is a major bonus, less square footage does not equate to less luxury. 他继续说, “很多人都在裁员, 不是因为经济原因, but because it just makes sense with where they are in their lives.”
(摄影:Greg Bernier)
A recent Laplante建设 executive ranch build, perched on a hill overlooking the mountainous beauty of Western Massachusetts, 这就是裁员的好处. 由公司定制设计和建造, the home was planned as a no-fuss entertainment locale for family and friends. 从膨胀开始, light-filled kitchen and main living space brimming with contemporary design, to a hidden cubby space under the staircase and the giant basement that is a game lover’s paradise, 家是包罗万象的.
“We want to utilize every space,” says Laplante of the cubby. “Those types of spaces can be used for a wine cellar, a safe room. It’s a good use of space that would normally just be filled in and capped with concrete.”
(摄影:Greg Bernier)
This beautiful home proves itself as the perfect combination of compact living and luxury amenities, 那么为什么不考虑简化呢? To learn more about the possibilities at Laplante建设, visit laplanteconstruction.com.